Thursday, November 3, 2011

"America Must Take Stronger Measures to Halt Illegal Immigrants"- Michael Scott Agueda Gomez English 100

     In Michael Scott's short essay, "America Must Take Stronger Measures to Halt Illegal Immigrants", the author is describing why illegal immigration is hurting Americans and why immigration should be stopped immediately. Scott talks about five different reasons how immigration is hurting our economy. The first reason to Scott's argument is the costs of illegal immigration. Here, Scott explains how tax payers are paying alot of money to support immigrant that are in jail, welfare, and their school. As Scott continues with his biased essay, he also says how the America should enforce the law by securing borders and sending all illegal immigrants back where they came from. To defend the famous saying that Americans would not do the work that illegals do, Scott says, "The truth is that uneducated and unskilled Americans won't live in garages with multiple families and endure similar hard ships to take on backbreaking work at below minimum wages." Scott continues his argument by talking about Proposition 187 and how Americans are their own enemies for allowing all of this to happen.He talks about how Americans themselves have made this problem worse by being compationate among immigrants.
      After reading this short essay, Scott made me really mad because I am an immigrant myself and he does not know the hardships that we go through to pursue a better life. I understand that tax payers do pay alot of money and it is unfair, but it is not only immigrants fault. People in welfare also include non-immigrants. I believe that immigrant criminals should be deported because obviously they are not here for any good. But I also know and see the hardships that immigrants go through to stay here in America. Many immigrant children and young adults don't know anything else but the land they were raised in. How can you take a mother away from a child or put someone in an unfamiliar place where they know nothing or no one. Immigrants pay a high price to attend college alone, maybe they should enforce the border to prevent further immigration because the border has become a suicide mission, but why not leave those people who feel and believe that America is their home.

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