Monday, September 26, 2011

"Hey Nostradamus!" (pgs. 93-146) Agueda Gomez English 100

   Pages 93-146 were extremely exciting because all of the characters true colors come out. For example, we see how Jason and his mother are pretty close because he trusts her enough to leave his, best friend his dog with her. We also learn that his mother becomes a HEAVIER drinker when she divorces Reg. we also confirm from previous readings that the mom is "gangster" because when the "Alive" teenage group doesn't listen to Jason when he kicks them out, the mom comes out with a riffle saying, "You heard Jason. Leave. Leave. Now."(105). The most interesting part of the novel had to do with Barb and Reg. Let me begin with Reg's true feelings. When Reg shatters his ribs and ends up in the hospital. He gives the hospital Jason's number. To Jason and the reader's surprise, Reg knew the number by memory even though they stopped talking for eleven years. In this part of the novel, we learn that Reg actually did love his son Jason because he tells Jason, "You were perfect, your soul was perfect" (101). By this he means that If Jason would have died in the cafeteria during the massacre, he would have gone straight to heaven because his soul "pure." Although Jason and his father didn't get along, we learn that it wasn't because he hated Jason; because he says, "All I ever wanted for you was the kingdom." (101).
  During Jason's past, when he moves to Moneton after the massacre, Cheryl's family writes to him. The first family member that writes to him is the mom. She states, "Cheryl had changed one year before she died, I have no idea who it was who died in the shooting."(107).  We also see the letter that Cheryl's dad writes to Jason, he states how the "Alive" group took total control by inviting a lot of people and handing everyone markers to write on Cheryl's casket. He says,"They were treating my daughter's casket like a year book."(110). When Cheryl's brother writes to Jason, two days after the dad, he states that the mom and dad were being hypocrites in their letters because they were always talking bad about him with youth "Alive" and they had also believed that Jason was the suspect to Cheryl's death when the youth "Alive" group had said that Jason had planned Cheryl's death because "he had planned the death just to kill the girl he had worked so hard on to corrupt." This proves that Cheryl's mom and dad are hypocrites.
   During the reading, we also learn more about Jason's black-outs. During his present life, he becomes a bit more social than what he used to be and becomes a bit more social than what he used to be. He begins to drink with his co-workers and popps pills and blacks out. When he wakes up from his final black-out, he is confronted with the choice to kill once again. He is in the decision of whether or not to kill Yorgo and he chooses not to. This shows some kind of christianity towards him
   We also learn that Jason is tired of having no goals, wants to go further in life, wants people to know he exists, that he has a purpose to life. This is the reason why Jason choses to go with his co-workers and get wild. This new character also prevents him from speaking about what happened between him and Barb right around the time his brother dies.
  During this time, we learn that Barb had been trying to get pregnant by her husband Ken for two years and that he's been shooting "blanks". So when Kent dies, she wanted a memory of Kent and whatr better than a kid to remember Ken. So the day after Kent's death, Barb and Jason get married (under Jason's condisions of granting her a baby that would most likely to look lie Kent's kid, do to religious purposes). We learn how crazy Barb is as she decided to concieve a baby from her dead husband's brother and kills a witness in Las Vegas when Jason ans Barb get married. So when Jason mom tells Jason that Barb is pregnant with twins, this is when we automatically know that Jason's nephews are actually his kids. Maybe this is the reason why Jason has been writing to them all along.

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to look at your classmates' blosg to see how you can summarize each section into a single paragraph. This takes practice and that is why I want you to work on this skill. I'll give you credit for this post, but if you don't provide two paragraphs (one summary and one reflection) in your next post, I'm afraid I won't be able to give you credit again.

    Prof. Stevens
