Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"Hey Nostradamus!" (pgs.146-188) Agueda Gomez English 100

   Pages 146-188 were about Jason's newest relationship, Heather. Heather and Jason met in a toy story where they developed some made up characters. Heather describes how before her life with Jason, her life was also dull and boring. Jason's mom ended up in a hospital where old people live, Barb ended up marrying Cheryl's older brother, and Reg continues to be changing into his opposite. Reg seems to know drink and smoke, he seems to be worried about Jason, and Heather is his best friend. The important part of this section is that Jason goes missing and no one knows where he is at. However, some psychic lady Allison seems to have some sort of connection with Jason. She gets messages from him that only Heather and Jason knew. So through the chapter Heather seems to be tormented because Jason is missing and and the closest signs to him are with this psychic lady Allison. The reason Heather is so upset is because this could possibly mean that Jason is dead. I think Jason is dead because how else could this psychic lady receive all these clues without knowing them or anything.
     In this part of the chapter, I was glad that Jason finally found someone to make him happy. It sounds like know he really is trying to turn around his dull boring life. I guess he really does believe that his life was meant for more than boredom and loneliness. I think it's sad how Jason's mom ended up in a hospital. I think that it is all Reg's fault that she ended up in that hospital because Reg is the one that put her through alot and if I were to live with a man like that I would have also drank myself crazy. It's so weird to see how Reg is changing into a more open-minded and understanding person. How his best friend is Heather, who is not religious at all. How he is know smoking and drinking, maybe so that people can like him and he found out that that's how htey will like him. It's so weird how he is so concerned about Jason's disappearance. I think that Jason is dead by maybe those people that he got drunk with that one time.

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to read the directions for journal entries on the student blog wiki. Each entry is to contain two paragraphs: one summary and one reflection. Each paragraph should range between 8 and 15 sentences in length. Also, be sure to introduce the author's name and the novel's title in each summary you write. Until you fulfill these basic requirements, I cannot give you credit. Please know that I want to encourage you. You have a lot to offer the class and have demonstrated much insight in class discussions. I can't, however, grant you credit, or anyone else for that matter, when you don't follow directions.

    Prof. Stevens
